Here's the story of Doug.
Basically, He Was a Nobody Until Ford Hired Him
Doug is introduced as a spokesman for the new Ford Focus at a press conference.
Doug checks out the exterior of the car. And John's boss.
Turns out single french stitching is like sitting at the town dump.
He Knew Nothing About Cars
"Commence human extermination for the glory of autos.”
"Car! Make me a sandwich!"
“Attention, car! I desire a parallel parking!”
He Knew a Lotta Bit About Annoying Coworkers
“Your mom likes hobbits.”
And He Definitely Knew His Way Around the Ladies
"Geoooorge Washington, the father of our country!"
"Is this kind of like a wet t-shirt contest?" "It could be!"
“Give me a huggie, Dougie Dougie.”
“Let’s talk about handling. You get me?”
He Could Sell the Car if it Involved Humiliation
"Back that thing up."
"Marinated puma gizzards"
"99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"
And He Never Knew He Was Just a Pound of Orange Cloth (Shhhh)
(But He Did Know I Was Pregnant)
Don't be jealous of my Mini Doug.